I am privileged to have been asked to speak today at the University of Exeter, Decolonising Research Festival.
NB I owe a huge debt to Drs Lucy Ansley and Paris Connolly who have made huge contributions to this work. It’s a partnership with them.
As is usual when I get a fee for speaking, I will be donating to a local rape crisis centre, so that the money stays in the local community.
My slides are available from slide share and can be accessed below. There are some other, research-related resources, as follows.
- Decolonising DMU, working position paper.
- Decolonising DMU, research centres and institutes self-audit tool.
- Presentation on the research centres and institutes self-audit tool, as part of the decolonising DMU celebration festival.
- Presentation on decolonising research ethics, for the STEM curriculum working group.
- Paper on ‘Whiteness is an immoral choice’: the idea of the University at the intersection of crises, in a Special Issue on Higher Education in the Eye of the Covid-19 Storm, in Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education Research.
- Paper on Struggling for the anti-racist university, in a Special Issue on, Possibilities and complexities of decolonising higher education: critical perspectives on praxis, in Teaching in Higher Education.