My presentations are all licensed upon Creative Commons (no derivatives, not commercial, share-alike) at
Invited papers and keynotes
Hall, R. (2025). Discussant, The implications of polycrisis for higher education. Reconciling marketisation: The potential for post-market reform. Understanding the new political economy of higher education, Centre for Higher Education Studies (UCL Institute of Education) and the Centre for Higher Education Transformations (University of Bristol) online seminar series.
Hall, R. (2025). Reimagining the University through research-engaged teaching and learning. Pedagogy Research and Innovation Special Interest Group launch. University of South Wales.
Hall, R., Ansley, L. Loonat, S., and Nemouchi, L. (2025). How British Muslim, first-year students experience their Muslimness in HE spaces, Aziz Foundation and Yorkshire Consortium for Equity in Doctoral Education Conference. University of York.
Co-Convenor, Global Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence in Education – Challenges, Opportunities, and Collaborative Solutions. BERA. Online Symposium.
Hall, R. (2024). ‘Complete Control’? Exploring the stories we tell ourselves about retention. Should I Stay or Should I Go? Retention in Higher Education. University of Sunderland.
Loonat, S., and Hall, R. (2024). Reimagining pedagogies with international students: Anti-racist perspectives. Decolonising Academic Practice Workshop. University of Lincoln.
Hall, R. (2024). Invited panellist. Critical Future of HE Organising: Problems, Possibilities and Pathways. The Baltic Sessions, The University of Northumbria.
Panel Chair, Embracing challenge-based learning. University of South Wales Learning and Teaching Conference, 2024. Cardiff.
Hall, R. (2024). Decolonising DMU: Re-imagining the University. Leading Learning and Teaching, Durham University.
Co-Convenor, Social Theory, Educational Research and polycrisis. BERA Social Theory SIG. Online Symposium.
Co-Convenor, Book launch and discussion: Palgrave International Handbook of Marxism and Education. BERA Social Theory SIG. Online Symposium.
Co-Convenor, Higher Education and the SDGs. BERA Higher Education and Social Theory SIG, with the United Nations Global Impact Hub. Online Symposium.
Co-Chair, Researcher Education and Development Scholarship Conference. Online. University of Leeds.
Hall, R. (2023). Ill-Being and the Hopeless University. Ends of Knowledge: Health, Illness, and the University. Online Workshop.
Co-Convenor, Applying Social Theory to Educational Research in the new, pandemic normal. BERA Social Theory SIG. Online Symposium.
Co-convenor, Little acts of decolonisation: finding the cracks in the whiteness of academic writing. Online Symposium.
Hall, R. (2023). Decolonising Research. PGR conference, University of Central Lancashire, Preston.
Hall, R. (2023). What works? Effective evaluation. Closing ethnicity awarding gaps 2023 conference, Universities UK.
Hall, R. (2023). Decolonising Ethics and the PGR Experience. Decolonising the STEM Curriculum working group, University of Bristol.
Hall, R. (2023). Decolonising DMU: Towards the Anti-Racist University. Leading Learning and Teaching, Durham University.
Hall, R. and Ansley, L. (2023). Decolonising Research. PGR workshop, University of Central Lancashire, Preston.
Hall, R. (2022). Decolonising DMU: Building the Anti-Racist University. Decolonisation Network Launch Event, University of South Wales, Cardiff.
Hall, R. (2022). The Alienated Academic and The Hopeless University. Research seminar, Research Group of Assembling Postcapitalist International Political Economies (POSTCAPE), University of Tampere, Finland.
Hall, R. (2022). Decolonising the PGR Experience. University of Exeter, Decolonising Research Festival.
Hall, R. (2022). Decolonising research ethics. Decolonising the STEM Curriculum working group.
Hall, R. and Ansley, L. (2022). Decolonising DMU and the PGR Experience. Decolonising the Research Degree Network.
Hall, R. (2022). Alienation and Education. Invited participant, book launch, Encyclopaedia of Marxism and Education.
Hall, R., and Loonat, S. (2022). Decolonising DMU: Building the Anti-Racist University. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Roundtable. Sheffield Hallam University.
Hall, R. (2022). Decolonising DMU: Towards the Anti-Racist University. Leading Learning and Teaching, Durham University.
Loonat, S, and Hall, R. (2022). Decolonising DMU: Building the Anti-Racist University. Pharmacist Education Summit: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Health Education England and the Pharmacy Schools Council.
Ansley, L., and Hall, R. (2021). Decolonising DMU: Building the Anti-Racist University. ‘That Other History’: New Perspectives on Decolonisation. University of East Anglia.
Ansley, L., Basra, H., and Hall, R. (2021). Decolonising DMU: Building the Anti-Racist University. Decolonisation Forum, Student Race Equality Steering Group, Cardiff University.
Hall, R. (2021). The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at the end of the End of History. School of Architecture Research Seminar, Umeå University, Sweden.
Hall, R. (2021). Book Launch: The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at the end of the End of History. De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2021). The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at the end of the End of History. Department of Sociology, Research Seminar, Durham University.
Hall, R. (2021). The Hopeless University: Intellectual Work at the end of the End of History. Scholarly Communication Research Group, Philosophy of Higher Education Seminar, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
Invited participant, book launch, Postdigital Humans: Transitions, Transformations and Transcendence, Digital University Network of the Society for Research into Higher Education.
Hall, R., Themelis, S., Atta, E., and Chalari, M. (2021). Critical Reflections on the Language of Neoliberalism in Education. Education Research Seminar, De Montfort University.
Hall, R., Loonat, S., Marfu, C., and Prescod, M. (2021). Building engagement with decolonising inside the pandemic University. Festival of Teaching, De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2021). Decolonising DMU: Towards the Anti-Racist University. Leading Learning and Teaching, Durham University.
Hall, R. (2021). Invited panel member. The Digital Divide: Why we need to support young people now. De Montfort University and Leicestershire Cares.
Hall, R. (2021). Covid-19 and the idea of the University. International Day of Education panel. De Montfort University.
Hall, R., Sofowora, T., and Marfu, C. (2021). Decolonising and responsible futures, online workshop. Students Organising for Sustainability.
Hall, R. (2020). Covid-19 and the idea of the University. Documentary Media Centre newsroom on The Future of Higher Education.
Hall, R. and Sofowora, T. (2020). Invited participants, Decarbonisation and Decolonising panel. Student Sustainability Summit, Students Organising for Sustainability.
Hall, R. (2020). Covid-19 and the idea of the University: Intellectual Work at the end of The End of History. Education Research Seminar, De Montfort University.
Patel, K. and Hall, R. (2020). Decolonising DMU: Becoming an Anti-Racist University. Decolonising Bradford, University of Bradford.
Hall, R. (2020). Invited participant, digital ethics panel. Jisc Digifest. Birmingham.
Hall, R. (2020). ‘Student mental health and the pathological university’. Open Forum Events, National Improving Student Mental Health Outcomes Conference, London.
Hall, R. (2020). The Hopeless University. Dystopian Realities and Utopian Thought: Alternative Futures for Academic Practice, BERA HE Special Interest Group, University of Sheffield.
Hall, R. (2020). Decolonising DMU: Towards the Anti-Racist University. Leading Learning and Teaching, Durham University.
Co-convenor, Radical Pedagogies, Macpherson: 20 Years On. De Montfort University, Leicester.
Event Chair, Realising the National Education Service. Labour Party Conference, Fringe. Brighton.
Hall, R. (2019). ‘Re-engineering Higher Education: The Subsumption of Academic Labour and the Exploitation of Anxiety’. Open Forum Events, National Improving Student Mental Health Outcomes Conference, Manchester.
Hall, R. (2019). Embedding inclusivity. Leading Learning and Teaching, Durham University.
Hall, R. (2019). What are universities for? States of Independence. De Montfort University, Leicester.
Hall, R. (2019). The Alienated Academic: The struggle for Autonomy Inside the University. Education and Social Justice Research Group Seminar, Bath Spa University.
Hall, R. (2019). The Alienated Academic: The struggle for Autonomy Inside the University. EdD Weekend Study School, University of Sheffield.
Hall, R. (2019). On self, becoming and belonging in the PGR supervisory relationship. Mental Health in Academia, Queen Mary University of London.
Hall, R. (2018). Introduction to The Teaching Excellence and Student Outcomes Framework (TEF) in the context of UK’s Higher Education. Innovative ICT Education for Social-Economic Development (IESED), De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2018). The Co-operative University as Anti-technocracy? Contemporary Philosophy of Technology Research Group Seminar, University of Birmingham.
Hall, R. (2018). Authoritarian neoliberalism and the alienation of academic labour. BERA Symposium, Debating theories of neoliberalism: New perspectives and framings in education research, University of East London.
Hall, R. (2018). Partnership, co-operation and dismantling the curriculum in higher education. Staff CPD Conference. Newcastle College.
Hall, R. (2018). Dismantling the curriculum in higher education. Radical Pedagogies: A Humanities Teaching Forum. University of Kent.
Hall, R., Lazarus, J., and Winn, J. (2018). Mass intellectuality and democratic leadership in higher education. Bristol Conversations in Education Seminar Series, University of Bristol.
Hall, R., Morrish, L., and Winn, J. (2018). Mass intellectuality and democratic leadership in higher education. Institute for Education Futures Seminar Series, De Montfort University.
Hall, R., Asher, G., Canaan, J., Di Muccio, E., and Pearce, J. (2018). Mass intellectuality and democratic leadership in higher education. Contemporary Philosophy of Technology Seminar Series, University of Birmingham.
Hall, R. (2017). Dismantling the curriculum in higher education. Open Lecture Series, University of Greenwich.
Invited participant, Zombies in Higher Education seminar, Sheffield Hallam University.
Invited panel member, Keep Universities for the Many, De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2017). On the alienation of academic labour and the possibilities for mass intellectuality. Institute for Education Futures Seminar Series, De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2017). Student finance and English Higher Education. South Leicestershire constituency Labour Party.
Hall, R. (2017). The cybernetic hypothesis and digital capitalism. Breaking the Frame, Interrogating Digital Capitalism. London.
Hall, R. (2017). Against boundaries: dismantling the curriculum in higher education, at the University of Worcester Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference 2017, University of Worcester.
Hall, R. (2017). The really open university: working together as open academic commons, at the Brookes Learning Teaching Conference 2017, Oxford Brookes University.
Hall, R. (2017). Invited participant, The Porous University – A critical exploration of openness, space and place in Higher Education, University of the Highlands and Islands.
Hall, R. (2017). On the alienation of academic labour and the possibilities for mass intellectuality, at the Marxism and Education: Renewing Dialogues (MERD) Seminar, University of East London.
Hall, R. (2016). Prospects for Peace Education in the Neoliberal Era, at the Adam Curle Peace Symposium: Peaceful Relations and the Transformation of the World, University of Bradford.
Hall, R. (2016). Invited participant, Resisting Neoliberalism and Education Symposium, at the University of Brighton, Faculty of Education.
Hall, R., and Atkins, L. (2016). The lessons of digital identity for professional practice and graduate research, at the University of Lincoln Education Post-Doctoral Research Conference. The University of Lincoln.
Hall, R. (2016). The relationship between citizenship, participation and digital literacy, at the HealthLiteracy UK seminar, Digital Participation and Health Literacy. De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2016). Invited participant at the DMU Leadership Conference, Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn, at The DMU Strategic Framework and Challenging Convention in Learning and Teaching. De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2016). Invited participant at the British Sociology Association Activism in Sociology Forum fringe event, on Radical Education inside and outside the Neoliberal University. University of Birmingham.
Hall, R. (2016). Invited participant at the Unconference for Transformational Learning and Culture. University of Warwick.
Hall, R. (2016). On the abolition of academic labour: the relationship between intellectual workers and mass intellectuality. Conference of Socialist Economists, Midlands Group. University of Birmingham.
Hall, R. (2015). Critically questioning educational innovation in higher education. 4th International Studies of Management and Organisations International Research Conference. IDRAC Business School, Nice, France.
Hall, R. (2015). Educational innovation and the future of higher education. The Northern Universities Consortium Annual Conference. The Manchester Conference Centre.
Hall, R. (2015). Anxiety in the academy: the dehumanisation of educational possibility. Invited participant, Resisting Neoliberalism and Education Symposium, at the University of Brighton, Faculty of Education.
Hall, R. (2015). Enhancing Learning though Technology. The De Montfort University Teaching and Learning Conference. Leicester, UK.
Hall, R. (2015). Dismantling the Curriculum in Higher Education. The Bishop Grosseteste University Learning and Teaching Conference. Lincoln, UK.
Hall, R. (2015). Critically questioning educational innovation in economics and business: Human interaction in a virtualising world. Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Association conference. The University of Brighton, UK.
Hall, R. (2015). Against Educational Technology in the Neoliberal University. The Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI), research seminar. The University of Westminster. See:
Hall, R. (2015). Conference Chair. Open Educational Resources Schools Conference. Phoenix Square, Leicester.
Hall, R. (2014). Beyond Open Education. Open Education: Condition Critical. Coventry University, Centre for Disruptive Media seminar.
Invited participant, Resisting Neoliberalism and Education seminar, at the University of Brighton, Faculty of Education.
Hall, R. (2014). 2+2=5: The University and the Secular Crisis. De Montfort University, Professorial Lecture Series.
Hall, R., Fraser, J., and Atkins, L. (2014). The Digilit Leicester Celebration Event. Crown Hills Community College, Leicester.
Hall, R. (2014). Invited panelist: Changing the Learning Landscape programme. 18th International ALT Conference. University of Warwick.
Hall, R. (2014). Social sustainability, mass intellectuality and the crisis of higher education. Building Sustainable Societies International Conference. University of Leeds.
Hall, R., and Atkins, L. (2014). The Digilit Leicester Project: implications for higher education. Centre for Educational Research and Development seminar. The University of Lincoln, Lincoln.
Hall, R. (2013). National and International dissemination of pedagogic work. HEA STEM: Developing pedagogic interests and outputs in Technology. De Montfort University, Leicester.
Hall, R. (2013). Moving the Goalposts: some realities of democratic football governance. The Social Science Centre, Public Seminar. Lincoln.
Atkins, L., Fraser, J., and Hall, R. (2013). The Digilit Leicester Project. Jisc Learning and Teaching Practice Experts Group. Birmingham.
Fraser, J, Hall, R., and Atkins, L. (2013). The Digilit Leicester Project. Reclaim Open Learning Symposium. University of California, Irvine.
Hall, R. (2013). Educational technology and the war on public education. Critical perspectives on educational technology. University of Brighton.
Hall, R. (2013). For a resilient education. University of the West of Scotland Learning and Teaching Conference. UWS Hamilton, Scotland.
Traxler, J., Belshaw, D., Cunningham, H., Facer, K., Hall, R., and Specht, M. (2013). Technology-Enhanced Learning, the Crisis and the Response. Alpine Rendez‐Vous 2013. STELLARnet: Grenoble, France.
Hall, R. (2013). Making the Cloud work for you: institutional risk and governance. Technology in Higher Education Summit, The BETT Show 2013. Excel, London.
Hall, R. (2013). Invited Conference Chair. Innovative Learning. Public Service Events: The Barbican Centre, London.
Hall, R. (2012). Do universities care enough about their students? London Festival of Education. Institute of Education, the University of London.
Hall, R. (2012). Educational technology and the war on public education. Doing and Undoing Academic Labour. The University of Lincoln, Centre for Educational Research and Development Conference.
Hall, R. (2012). Invited Conference Chair. Innovative Learning: Maximising Technology, Maximising Potential. Public Service Events: The Barbican Centre, London.
Hall, R. (2012). Student involvement, assessment and the production of a university experience. Enhancing the Quality of Student Blended Learning through Integrative Formative Assessment Methods. HEA Workshop and Seminar Series: The University of Huddersfield.
I was a panel member on the Guardian Higher Education Network discussion of leadership in higher education on 23 March 2012.
Hall, R. (2011). How can we best counter radicalisation in universities? The Roots of Violent Radicalisation, De Montfort University and The Home Affairs Committee Conference. De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2011). In, Against and Beyond the Neoliberal University. The Assault On Universities: Privatisation, Secrecy and the Future of Higher Education. De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2011). In, Against and Beyond the Neoliberal University. A teach-out for the Tent City University. Russell Square, London.
Hall, R. (2011). Higher Education and the Shock Doctrine. Citizenseye Community Media Week 2011. Leicester.
Hall, R. (2011). Technology and higher learning. A conversation at The Really Free School. London.
Hall, R. (2011). Internationalisation, student voices and the shock doctrine: a disruption of business-as-usual? Teesside University, 11th annual learning and teaching conference, Internationalisation and employability. Teesside University.
Hall, R. (2011). On becoming and being a National Teaching Fellow. 11th Teesside University Learning and Teaching Conference. Teesside University.
Hall, R. (2010). Building Capability in Technology-Enhanced Learning: Lessons from Pathfinder. Gwella Programme Conference, Celebrating Success and Meeting Future Challenges. Gregynog Hall, University of Wales.
Hall, R. (2010). How can technology help us realize the learning potential of a life-wide curriculum? SCEPTRE Conference, Enabling a more complete education. The University of Surrey.
Hall, R., and Linsey, T. (2010). Managing Curriculum Change: supporting remote learners. 8th JISC Conference. On-line.
Hall, R. (2010). The Resilient Historian. The New History Lab. The University of Leicester.
Hall, R. (2010). Taking forward change in technology-enhanced education. JISC cascading workshop and conference for institutional stakeholders. The University of Bolton.
Hall, R., and Linsey, T. (2010). Managing Curriculum Change: supporting remote learners. JISC Experts Conference. Birmingham.
Hall, R. (2010). Embedding technology in higher education: the challenges of policy and practice. Edinburgh Napier Staff Development Conference. Edinburgh Napier University.
Hall, R. (2009). Maximising the impact of placements through the use of Web 2.0. University of Surrey Practitioners network. The University of Surrey.
Hall, R., George, P., and Linsey, T. (2009). Transforming curriculum delivery through technology. 4th JISC International Innovating e-Learning Conference. On-line.
Hall, R. (2009). Can higher education enable its learners’ digital autonomy and do they want it anyway? ESRI Research Seminar. Manchester Metropolitan University.
Co-organiser, JISC Users and Innovations Programme Development Conference (2008). Aston University.
Hall, R. (2008). Can higher education enable its learners’ digital autonomy? Learners in the Co-creation of Knowledge Conference. Edinburgh.
Hall, R. (2007). Battery-farming or free-ranging: towards citizen participation in e-learning environments. Learning Futures Conference. The University of Leicester.
Hall, R. (2005). Research in Learning and Teaching in History. Effective Learning and Teaching project, International Symposium. The University of Edinburgh.
Peer-reviewed conference papers and workshops
Loonat, S., Maryam, Y., Nemouchi, L., and Hall, R. (2024). Muslimness, Islam and student identity/experience in the University. Islamophobia Awareness Month, online workshop, De Montfort University Education Academy.
Hall, R. (2024). Voicing the Impact Of The Current Student Loans Regime On Muslim Student Engagement And Retention In Higher Education. Reimagining Higher Education: Journeys of Decolonising 2024. University College London.
Maryam, Y., Loonat, S., and Hall., R. (2024). The impact on Muslim students of the current Student Loans regime on student engagement and retention in Higher Education. University Learning and Teaching Conference. De Montfort University.
Maryam, Y., Loonat, S., and Hall., R. (2024). The impact on Muslim students of the current Student Loans regime on student engagement and retention in Higher Education. Global Students as Partners Roundtable. University of Queensland, Australia.
Ansley, L., and Hall, R. (2024). Exploring a University community’s perspectives of Decolonising in Higher Education. BERA Conference 2024 and WERA Focal Meeting, University of Manchester.
Loonat, S., and Hall, R. (2024). Reimagining research with international students: Anti-racist perspectives. Decolonising Academic Practice Workshop Series. Birmingham City University.
Loonat, S., and Hall, R. (2023). Reimagining research with international students: Anti-racist perspectives. Research with International Students Conference. University of Manchester.
Maryam, Y., and Hall, R. (2023). An Exploration of Student Loans as a Barrier to Higher Education for Muslims. Reimagining Higher Education: journeys of decolonising. De Montfort University.
Ansley, L., Hall, R., and Connolly, P. (2023). Decolonising the PGR Experience. Building Collaborative Networks in Response to Decolonising the Curriculum, Online Workshop. University of Glasgow.
Hall, R. (2022). Decolonising postgraduate research: some lessons from an institutional decolonising project. Researcher Education and Development Scholarship (REDS) international conference 2022. University of Leeds.
Hall, R., Kennedy, R., Ogunnusi, M., and Smith, R. (2022). Panel: counter-narratives: the lived experiences of peace-building in peripheral places, Peace, Equality and Social Justice/SDG16 Conference. De Montfort University, Leicester.
Connolly, P. and Hall, R. (2021). Decolonising institutional research: the possibilities for dismantling white privilege? Anti-Racist Research in the Age of Black Lives Matter. Centre for Memory, Narrative and Histories, University of Brighton.
Hall, R. (2021). Ill-being and the University. Medical Humanities: (In)Visibility, The Northern Network for Medical Humanities Congress.
Hall, R. (2021). Decolonising and institutional co-optation. Decolonising Critical Thought Workshop, Critical Theory in Hard Times Network, Manchester.
Ansley, L., Connolly, P., Crofts, M., Hall, C., Hall, R. and Patel, K. (2021). Decolonising DMU: Towards the Anti-Racist University. AdvanceHE Equality Diversity and Inclusion Conference 2021: Courageous conversations and adventurous approaches: creative thinking in tackling inequality, Edinburgh.
Hall, R. (2020). For humanism and against the methodological University. British Educational Research Association annual conference, University of Liverpool.
Patel, K., Hall, C., and Hall, R. (2020). Decolonising DMU: Towards the Anti-Racist Classroom. AdvanceHE Annual Conference 2020: Teaching in the spotlight: Creative thinking to enhance the student experience: From curriculum design to student success, Bedfordshire.
Hall, R. (2019). On autonomy and the technological abolition of academic labour. Capitalism, Social Science and the Platform University, Lancaster University.
Atkins, L., and Hall, R. (2019). Freedom to Achieve: informing inclusive curriculum development through co-creation Higher Education Futures Institute Conference. University of Birmingham.
Hall, R. (2019). On academic alienation and the struggle for autonomy inside the University. Academics, Professionals and Publics: Changes in the Ecologies of Knowledge Work. University of Manchester.
Hall, R., and Noble, M. (2018). The practicalities and pedagogies of adult learning co-operatives: Vaughan resurgam. SCUTREA 2018, University of Sheffield.
Bacevic, J., Amsler, S., D’Silva, S., Guzman-Concha, C., and Hall, R. (2018). Undisciplining: thinking knowledge production without the university. Undisciplining: Conversations from the Edges, The Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art, Gateshead.
Hall, R., and Winn. J. (2017). Social co-operatives and the democratisation of higher education. Co-operative Education and Research Conference 2017, Co-operative College, Manchester.
Hall, R. (2017). For the Really Open University. OER17, International Conference, London.
Reeves, A., and Hall, R. (2017). Engendering social learning for sustainability in the UK: how can a university course engage its stakeholder community? International Environmental Communication Association, Conference on Communication and Environment. University of Leicester.
Brown, J., Hall, R., Lishman, R., Rushworth, J., and Snape, R. (2017). Designing for difference: lessons from a cross-disciplinary implementation of Universal Design for Learning. National Conference on the Beginning Design Student. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Atkins, L. and Hall, R. (2014). School staff digital literacy: what we learned from the DigiLit Leicester Project. 6th Teacher Education Advancement Network Conference. Aston University.
Alotaibi, A., Ayesh, A. and Hall, R. (2015). Managing Admission in Saudi Universities: a System Approach. 6th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning- IC4E 2015, Doha, Qatar.
Atkins, L., Hall, R., and Fraser, J. (2014). Supporting staff development in Digital Literacy: the DigiLit Leicester Project. 18th International ALT Conference. University of Warwick.
Hall, R. (2014). Academic Labour and Co-operative Struggles for Subjectivity. Governing Academic Life conference. London School of Economics.
Hall, R. (2014). Friction, co-operation and technology in the neoliberal university. Friction: An interdisciplinary conference on technology and resistance. University of Nottingham.
Winn J., and Hall. R. (2014). A Contribution to the Critique of the Political Economy of Academic Labour. Academic Identities Conference 2014. Durham University.
Hall, R. (2014). The crisis of teaching forward and the need for academic activism. Higher Education Academy Social Sciences Annual Learning and Teaching Conference. Aston University.
Hall, R. (2014). Education for sustainability and the triple crunch. Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory Annual Conference. University of Plymouth.
Atkins, L., Hall, R., and Fraser, J. (2014). Supporting pre-service teachers’ digital literacy development: the DigiLit Leicester Framework. 5th Teacher Education Advancement Network Conference. Aston University.
Hall, R. (2014). Technology and co-operative practice against the neoliberal university. Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (CAPPE), 9th Annual, International, Interdisciplinary Conference. Neoliberalism and Everyday Life. University of Brighton.
Hall, R., and Winn, J. (2014). For a co-operative University. Discourse, Power and Resistance 14 Conference. The University of Greenwich.
Hall, R. (2013). On Autonomist Marxism and the affective economy. ESRC Seminar Series, Digital Policy: Connectivity, Creativity and Rights. Seminar 11, Affective Digital Economy: Intimacy, Identity and Networked Realities. The University of Leicester.
Hall, R. (2013). Responsible Innovation in ICT, E-Teaching/E-Learning. ICT 2013 – Create, Connect, Grow. Vilnius, Lithuania.
Fairweather, B., Rogerson, S., and Hall. R. (2013). Is the Automation of Plagiarism Detection Disturbing the Trust Trinity in Academic Assessment? ectc2013 The Inaugural European Conference on Technology in the Classroom. The University of Brighton.
Bixley,M., DMU4, Hall, R., Weale, R., Collingwood, J., Marshall, F. & Hamilton, C. (2013). People with aphasia creating an aphasia friendly website: The DMU4 experience. British Aphasiology Society International Conference. The Universityof Manchester.
Hall, R. (2013). Educational technology and the enclosure of academic labour inside public higher education. Critical Pedagogies: Equality and Diversity in a Changing Institution: Interdisciplinary Symposium. The University of Edinburgh.
Stahl, B., Hall, R., Flick, C. (2013). Evaluating Research Quality and Publications in Ethics and Technology. Ethicomp13. The University of Southern Denmark.
Traxler, J., Beetham, H., Hall, R., Holley, D., and Royle, K. (2013). TEL: crisis and response. A symposium at the 18th International ALT Conference. The University of Nottingham.
Alshammari, M., Howley, R., Leigh, M., and Hall, R. (2012). Early implementation stages of learning management systems (LMS) by academics: the case of Saudi universities. ICERI2012, 5th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. Madrid, Spain.
Hall, R. (2012). In, Against and Beyond the Neoliberal University. Discourse, Power, Resistance 12. The University of Plymouth.
Hall, R. (2012). Educational technology and the war on public education. The Problem of “Dirty Hands” in UK Universities. University of Brighton, Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics.
Atwell, G., Fraser, J., Hall, R., Winn., J. (2011). In, Against and Beyond the Institution. MobilityShifts: An International Future of Learning Summit. The New School, New York City.
Bell, F., da Costa, C.M., Fraser, J., Hall. R., Keegan, H. (2011). The Paradox of Openness: The High Costs of Giving Online. A symposium at the 16th International ALT Conference. The University of Leeds.
George, P., Faughna, S., Forrest, P., Hall, R. (2011). Is the VLE Reborn? A symposium at the 16th International ALT Conference. The University of Leeds.
Hall, R., and Winn, J. (2011). Technology and open education: a critique of a resilient higher education. The CAL Conference 2011: Learning Futures: Education, Technology & Sustainability. The University of Manchester.
Hall, R. Neary, M., and Winn, J. (2011). The Social Science Centre. Educational Spaces of Alterity workshop. The University of Nottingham.
Hall, R. Neary, M., and Winn, J. (2011). The Social Science Centre. The Crisis Forum Conference: For People and Planet: Not Profit and Self-Destruction Can Universities make the move towards, or even lead ‘transition’? The University of Winchester.
Hall, R., and Brine, A. (2010). Beyond Pathfinder: departmental strategies for extending Web 2.0 services. emerging technologies in academic libraries 10th International Conference. Trondheim, Norway.
Hall, R. (2010). The Resilient Historian. HEA History Subject Centre Conference. The University of Oxford.
Hall, R., and Linsey, T. (2010). Improving Assessment and Feedback Practices in a Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning Environment: Theory and Practice. HEA Evidence-Based Practice Seminar. Kingston University.
Hall, R., and Winn, J. (2010). Is the current form of Higher Education in the UK viable? Developing a resilient education. HEA Annual Conference. The University of Hertfordshire.
Hall, R., and Winn, J. (2010). More efficiently unsustainable? Transitioning Higher Education to a 2050 -80% +2c 350ppm world. 15th International ALT conference. The University of Nottingham.
Hall, R., and Winn, J. (2010). The relationships between technology and open education in the development of a resilient higher education. 7th International Open Education conference. Barcelona, Spain.
Hall, R., Andrew, M., and Taylor, P. (2009). Mobilising Remote Student Engagement (Morse) Using Mobile and Web2.0 Technologies: Initial Perspectives. 4th IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning. Barcelona, Spain.
Hall, R., Conboy, H., and Thompson, P. (2009). Deploying Read/Write Web Approaches for Pedagogic Change amongst PG Cert HE Participants. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Miami, Florida.
Hall, R. (2009). Connecting Transitions and Independent Learning: The Impact on Mentors. Chartered Institute of Librarians and Information Professionals Research University College and Research Group Conference. De Montfort University.
Hall, R., and Conboy, H. (2009). Connecting Transitions and Independent Learning: an evaluation of read/write web approaches. 4th International SOLSICE Conference. Edge Hill University.
Hall, R., and Conboy, H. (2009). The impact of web2.0 on students’ writing and on the curriculum: a comparative study. EDULEARN09. Barcelona, Spain.
Hall, R., and Conboy, H. (2009). Connecting transitions and independent learning in higher education: evaluating the impact of the read/write web on the first-year student experience. EDULEARN09. Barcelona, Spain.
Hall, R., and Conboy, H. (2009). Journeys in Peer E-communication: Student Mentors’ Perspectives. 4th International iPED Conference. The University of Coventry.
Hall, R., Gunn, C., Kepell, M., and Creanor. L. (2009). Who is responsible for eLearning sustainability? 14th International ALT Conference. The University of Manchester.
Hall, R., and Conboy, H. (2009). Connecting Transitions and Independent Learning: an evaluation of read/write web approaches. 14th International ALT Conference. The University of Manchester.
Hall, R. (2009). Web 2.0 tools and assessment. 8th European Conference on e-Learning. The University of Bari, Italy.
Hall, R. (2008). The impact of the read/right web on learner agency. Digital Technologies: Repurposing Education Conference. The University of Plymouth.
Hall, R. (2008). The impact of the read/right web on learner agency. The 7th International London Scholarship of Teaching and Learning conference. The University of London.
Hall, R. (2008). The impact of the read/right web on learner agency. Creating Contemporary Student Learning Environments Conference. On-line.
Hall, R. (2008). Pathfinding – the impact of collaborative approaches in embedding e-learning. 3rd International SOLSICE conference. Edge Hill University.
Hall, R. (2008). Scoping the curriculum impact of the read/right web: managing the interface between student and staff expectations. 2nd International Pedagogical Research in Higher Education Conference. The University of Warwick.
Hall, R., Conboy, H., and Thompson, P. (2008). The impact of read/write web approaches on the curriculum priorities of PG Cert HE students. Third International Blended Learning Conference. The University of Hertfordshire.
Hall, R. (2008). Approaches to assessment using the read/write web. Assessment in Higher Education Conference. The University of Cumbria.
Hall, R., and Reed, P. (2008). Pathfinding – the impact of collaborative approaches in embedding e-learning. JISC RSC North-West conference. The University of Liverpool.
Hall, R. (2008). Web 2.0 tools and assessment. 7th European Conference on e-Learning. Agia Napia, Cyprus.
Hall, R. (2007). Battery-farming or Free-ranging: Framing Creative Expression Through Citizen Participation in E-learning Environments. CAL ‘07. Trinity College Dublin.
Hall, R. (2007). Evaluating a model for citizen participation in elearning environments. 2nd International SOLSICE conference. Edge Hill University.
Hall, R., and Pollak, D. (2005). The curriculum and e-learning: a large dash of accessibility in the blend. HEA, Midland Practitioners’ Forum. Embedding Campus-Based eLearning: Getting the Blend Right. De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2005). Machiavelli or Project Management: can either PRINCE sustain the outcomes of e-based change? HEA Annual Conference. Accomplishing Complex Institutional Change: making a difference to students’ experiences of higher education. De Montfort University.
Hall, R. (2005). Delivering what students say they want on-line: towards academic participation in the enfranchisement of e-learners. 4th European Conference on e-learning. Amsterdam, Holland.
Hall, R. (2005). Enfranchising e-tutors through professional standards? 10th Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) Conference. Birmingham, UK.
Hall, R. (2004). Approaches to on-line curriculum development: student recommendations for managing their expectations. ILT Web Users Workshop. The University of York.
Hall, R. (2004). Stand and deliver: enhancing the student e-learning experience. De Montfort University Quality Enhancement Conference. De Montfort University.
Hall, R., Harwood, T., and Ravat, H. (2003). Do learning technologies enhance the level one experience in Higher Education? 3rd Institute for Learning and Teaching in HE Conference. The University of Warwick.
Hall, R. (2002). Using ICT to enhance Learning, Teaching and Assessment. LTSN Subject Centre Conference. The University of Oxford.
Hall, R. (2002). The Impact of Learning Technology on Students’ Learning. 2nd Institute for Learning and Teaching in HE Conference. Heriot-Watt University.
Hall, R., and Harding D. (2001). Aligning learning, teaching and assessment. 1st University of Teesside Learning and Teaching Conference. Teesside University.
Hall, R. (2001). Aligning Learning, Teaching and Assessment through the Web. LTSN Subject Centre Conference. The University of Oxford.
Hall, R. (2001). Aligning Learning, Teaching and Assessment through the Web. SEDA Conference. The University of Glasgow.
Hall, R. (2001). Moving the goalposts: enabling Arts-based co-operative learning through on-line delivery. 7th European Conference on Educational Research. Lille, France.
Hall, R., and Harding D. (2000). Managing institutional change: a case study of the Chic project. SEDA Conference. The University of Manchester.
Hall, R. (2000). Embedding ICT in the curriculum. History 2000 Conference. Bath Spa University.
Hall, R. (2000). Promoting teaching innovation in research-led institutions. 1st FDTL/TLTP Conference. Newcastle University.
Hall, R. (2000). A distinctive pedagogy for on-line history: the potential for enhancing learning in the Arts. 7th International ALT Conference. The University of Manchester.
Hall, R. (1999). Evaluating the Implementation of ICT in the Learning and Teaching of History: Lessons from the First Year of the Chic Project. Association for History and Computing Conference. The University of Glasgow.
Hall, R., and Harding D. (1999). Evaluating ICT in the Learning and Teaching of History: Lessons from the First Year of the Chic Project. 6th International Association for Learning Technology (ALT)Conference. Bristol University.
Hall, R. (1999). Evaluating the Context of On-line History Teaching: The First Year of the Chic Project. 5th Humanities and Arts Network Conference. The Open University.
Hall, R., and Mould, C. (1998). Analysing the Relationship Between Process and Outcome in Young Children’s Learning. European Early Childhood Research Association conference. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
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