Research Governance and Memberships

Conference committees

Research in Digital Learning in Higher Education (RIDL-HE) (since 2024).

International Conference on Education Research (since 2023).

Researcher Education and Development Conference (since 2022).

The International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Education, Scientific Committee (since 2011).

European Conference on e-Learning, Programme Committee (since 2005).

Radical Pedagogies, Macpherson: 20 Years On (conference co-convener, 2019).

The Association for Learning Technology Conference (2013-19).

European Conference on Social Media, Programme Committee (since 2013-18).

The Association for Learning Technology, OER17 Conference Committee (2016-17).

Beyond the Neoliberal University: Critical Pedagogy and Activism, Organising Committee (a symposium hosted by Coventry University UCU in 2015).

Computer Assisted Learning, International conference 2011 [CAL11], Learning Futures: Education, Technology and Sustainability, Organising Committee.

International Association for Development of the Information Society, e-Democracy, Equity and Social Justice 2010, Organising Committee.

Plymouth e-Learning Conference, Programme Committee (2009-13).

Research networks

Co-convenor, BERA Special Interest Group on Education and Social Theory (since 2022).

Founding Member and Co-operator at the Social Science Centre, Lincoln (2010-19).

Teaching Scholar at the Cooperative Institute for Transnational Studies (2015-18).

Critical Theory Research Network (since 2016).

Higher Education Policy Network (since 2019).

Co-operatives Free Universities Group, Member (2012-17).

Leicester City Council, Open Schools Network, Member (2015)

Young People and Employability strand of the DMU Policy Commission, Co-convenor (2014).

Association for Learning Technology Politics, Activity and Critical Theory Special Interest Group, Chair (2010-14).

Education for the Crisis network, Co-convenor (2011-13).

Learners in the Co-Creation of Knowledge Research Interest Group, Co-convenor (2008-10).

Leicester City Council/De Montfort University, Learning Resource Centre Connect network, Co-convenor (2011-13)